Math 3032 Fall 2009

Class Assignments by Date

Aug.10.1 Represent 10.1 A/ 1-11, 13&14;
25 Data, Scatter
Plots, & Correlation
Aug.10.3 Data Summary, 10.1/A/15-17, 19-22;
27 Distribution, &10.1/B/ 1-3, 9-11, 20-22;
z-scores 10.3/A/ 1-7, 10, 19&20, 22;
Review of 11.1 Probability 11.1/A/ 1-7, 13, 15&16, 19, 23;
Sept.Review of 2.3 number10.1/B/ 17, 25, 27;
1systems & number bases10.3/A/ 8&9, 11&12;
10.3/B/ 1-5, 10;
11.1/A/ 11, 14, 17, 20-22, 24;
11.1/B/ 1-5, 11, 22-24;
2.3/A/ 8, 12-15, 18, 20-25;
Sept.11.2 Complex10.3/A/ 13, 15&16, 23-26;
3Probability Experiments10.3/B/ 6-9, 16&17, 19&20, 22-25;
11.1/B/ 6-9, 15-17;
11.2/A/ 1-8;
Turn in 10.3A\8, 16, 22; 11.1A\3;
Sept.Last day prior to Census
8 Date - Course will count
under 6 Drop Rule
11.2 More Probability11.2/A/ 9-11, 14-16;
Experiments11.2/B/ 4-8, 14-16;
Review of Measurement
Sept.Review of 13.1 11.2/A/ 12&13, 17&18, 21-23;
10 Measurement Systems11.2/B/ 9-11, 17&18, 22&23, 27;
13.1/A/ 3-7, 20;
Turn in 11.1B/ 8; 11.2A/ 4; 11.2B/ 11, 14;
Sept.11.3 Additional Counting11.2/A 19&20, 24-26;
15 Techniques11.2/B/ 12&13, 19-21, 24-26;
13.1/A/ 23, 29-31;
13.2/B/ 1-7, 30;
11.3/A/ 1&2, 4-8, 11&12, 15-17;
Sept.11.4 Odds, Expected11.3/A/ 3, 9&10, ;
17Value11.3/B/ 1-7, 11&12, 15&16, 18-20;
11.4/A/ 3&4, 7&8, 11&12, 15&16, 18, 22;
Turn in 11.2 A/ 12 - B/17, 24; 13.1/A 3;
Sept.Review of 6.1-3 Fractions11.3/A/ 22&23, 27&28;
22 and 12.1 Shapes 11.3/B/ 8-10, 13, 21-23;
11.4/A/ 5&6, 9&10, 13&14, 17, 19&20, 23-25;
11.4/B/ 1, 3&4, 7, 11&12, 18, 22;
12.1/A/ 2-4, 11, 14&15;
worksheet/ ;
Sept.More Review11.3/B/ 25&26, 28;
24 11.4/A/ 21, 26&27;
11.4/B/ 5, 8, 13&14, 19, 23;
12.1/A/ 5, 12, 16&17;
12.1/B/ 1-3, 11, 14&15;
Turn in 11.2B/ 26; 11.3A/ 27&28;11.4/A 14;
Sept.12.2 Analysing11.4/A/ 28, 30&31;
29 Shapes11.4/B/ 6, 9, 15-17, 20&21, 26&27;
12.1/A/ 6, 18-20;
12.1/B/ 4&5, 12, 16&17;
12.2/A/ 1-3, 5-8, 11&12;
Oct.12.3 Properties of12.1/B/ 19;
1 Geometric Shapes12.2/A/ 13&14;
12.2/B/ 1-4, 11&12;
12.3/A/ 1-5, 10-12;
Turn in
Oct.Help session
4 Bay 3-315
3:30 - 5:30
Oct.12.4 Regular Polygons
6 and Tesselations
Turn in
Oct.Test 1 12.2/A/ 15;
8Ch 10, 11, & prereq 12.2/B/ 5-8, 13-16;
12.3/A/ 6-8, 13-15, 18;
12.3/B/ 1-8, 10-12;
12.4/A/ 1-9;
Oct.12.5 Shapes in12.3/A/ 9, 16&17, 20;
13 Space12.3/B/ 13&14;
12.4/A/ 10-13;
12.4/B/ 1-9;
12.5/A/ 1-8;
Oct.Review of 13.112.3/A/ 19;
15 Measurement12.3/B/ 15-18;
12.4/A/ 14;
12.4/B/ 10-14, 17-19;
12.5/A/ 14, 21, 23&24;
12.5/B/ 6&7, 9, 11, 16&17;
13.1/A/ 8-11, 26;
Turn in
Oct.13.2 Perimiter12.4/B/ 15, 20&21;
20 12.5/A/ ;
12.5/B/ 10, 12&13, 15, 18-21, 23, 25;
13.1/A/ 12-15, 17;
13.1/B/ 10-12;
13.2/A/ 1-4, 6-11, 13&14, 18-25, 27&28, 37, 40-42;
Oct.13.3 Surface Area 13.1/B/ 29-31, 34;
22 13.2/A/ 5, 15&16, 29, 33-36, 38&39;
13.2/B/ 1-8, 15&16, 22-25, 27-29;
13.3/A/ 1-6, 13-15;
Turn in
Oct.Last day to 13.2/B/ 9-11, 13, 18-21, 30-33;
27Drop/Withdraw 13.3/A/ 7-12, 16-18;
13.4 Volume 13.3/B/ 1-6, 13&14;
13.4/A/ 1-6, 8, 10-14;
Oct.Review 13.2/B/ 34-36, 41&42;
29 13.3/A/ 19&20;
13.3/B/ 7&8, 15-17;
13.4/A/ 7, 9, 15-18, 22-25;
13.4/B 1-4, 11-14;
Turn in
Nov.Help session
2 Bay 3-315
3:00 - 5:00
Nov.16.1 Transformational
Nov.Test II 13.2/B/ 38&39;
5Chapters 10-12, Prerequisites13.3/B/ 9-12, 18-20;
13.4/A/ 19-21, 26-28;
13.4/B/ 5-10, 15-19;
16.1/A/ 1-3, 6-8, 15-17, 19, 21;
Nov.14.1 Congruence 13.4/A/ 29-31;
10 13.4/B/ 20-23;
16.1/A/ 9-12, 27&28;
16.1/B/ 1-3, 5-12, 15-17, 27&28;
14.1/A/ 1-9, 14&15;
Nov.16.2 Transformational 13.4/B/ 24-29;
12 Geometry14.1/A/ 10-13, 16-18;
Size Changes14.1/B/ 1-4;
16.1/A/ 23, 25&26;
16.1/B/ 19, 21, 25, 30;
16.2/A/1-3, 5-11;
Turn in
Nov.Help session
15 Bay 3-315
3:30 - 5:30
Turn in
Nov.Test III 14.1/B/ 9&10, 16-18;
19Chapters 10-14, 16, prerequisites16.2/A/ 13, 17&18;
16.2/B/ 1, 5, 7-9;
Nov.Day Off
24 Pre Thanksgiving
Nov.Day Off
26 Thanksgiving
Dec.14.2 Congruence14.1/B/ 5-8, 11-15;
1 14.2/A/ 1-5, 9-12, 15&16;
14.2/B/ 1-4, 9-14;
MayReview for Final14.2/A/ 6, 13&14, 17-21;
3 14.2/B/ 13-15;
Turn in
MayHelp session
3 Bay 3-315
3:30 - 5:30
11 4 - 7 pm

NOTE the location of the Final is to be arranged

Class assignments by Section

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This page updated by Frank Matthews Aug. 20, 2009