Course Description
The course presents concepts in problem solving, probability & data presentation, geometry, and measurement related to the elementary school curriculum through grade six as well as a review of prerequisite concepts in numeration and calculation and introductory ideas in the above areas. Students are, however, expected to develop facility not simply success with the concepts and are also expected to understand background & ancillary concepts appropriate for instructors in the elementary school. They will also be required to understand some concepts from courses which develop from those which they may teach.
Because of diverse background experiences and common problems with prerequisite concepts I will have after class sessions to assist students who are having problems with concepts from the prerequisite class.
The course will utilize short lectures by the instructor, group discussion, and individual questions. Students are expected to read the relevant portions of the text both prior to the content introduction and again after the introduction. They should identify and ask questions on any part of the text which is not clear. Quizes will take place on the first class day of each week except those containing a test. A selection of omework will be assigned to be turned in the first day of each week. Both quizes and tests are cumulative and may include prerequisite material.
This class will prove to be time consumptive. A student competent in mathematics with the proper background should expect to spend from 10-12 hours per week outside of class. Students with established problems with mathematics will require significantly more time.
Homework on each area is assigned on the class when content is introduced and for about two sessions thereafter. This should allow students to work on fresh problems after initial questions have been answered. This homework will be collected and graded during the final.
In addition to the instructor's regular office hours and out of class work with the instructor, assistance is available in the Mathematics Center. They will not do your work for you but they will try to help you learn to do the work.
The instructor will also give a help session on the sunday prior to each exam.
If you cannot complete all of the assignments complete part of each of the assignments instead of only some of the assignments. Otherwise you will miss out on exposure to important concepts.
Students should keep a notebook of homework problems both to study from and to turn in at the end of the course for a grade. The arrangement should probably follow the text location rather than the order of assignment. However, any order that you find useful in studying for the tests is acceptable
Tests 45%
| Final Exam | 35%
| Quizes & weekly homework | 10%
| Homework Set | 10% | |
This page updated by Frank Matthews Aug. 21, 2009