The course is a varient of what has recently come to be described as a "flipped" class. The presentation of the content is external to the class while class time is devoted to discussion of student difficulties and assigned problems. The basic presentation of the content will come from the text which is a classic in the field.
The course will utilize short lectures by the instructor, group discussion, and individual questions. Students are expected to read the relevant portions of the text both prior to the initial class discussion and again after the introduction. They should identify and ask questions on any part of the text which is not clear.
This class often proves to be very time consuming. Students should expect to spend from 10-12 hours per week outside of class. To a great extent the scheduling of the time is up to you although it can take more time to catch up than to keep up. If you need aditional help make sure to see me before or after class. Study groups are encouraged since they have proven to be highly productive in the past. Additional help is available from the Math Center on the second floor of the Bayou building.
Homework on each area is assigned on the class when content is introduced and for two sessions thereafter. This should allow students to work on fresh problems after initial questions have been answered.
Students should keep a notebook of homework problems both to study from and to turn in during the final exam. The arrangement should probably follow the text location rather than the order of assignment. I have prepared a fairly complete set of answers which is available and will be distributed.
Midterm Test 25%
| Final Exam | 40%
| Quizes | 10%
| Paper | 15%
| Homework | 10%
| |
This page updated by Frank Matthews Jan. 18, 2020