Math 4231 Fall 2013

Class Assignments

Aug.2.1 & 2.2 Intro14/ I 1-10; II 1-9; III 1 & 2;
27 18/ I. 1-10, II. 1-8;
Aug. 2.2 & 2.3 Forms14/ I. 11-15, II. 10-13, III. 3-5;
29 18/ I. 11-15, II. 9-13, III 1-8;
25/ I a-e, II 1-8, III 1-4;
Sept. 2.4 Proof 14/ I. 16-20, II. 14-20, III.6-10;
3 3.1 Introducing 18/ I. 16-20, II. 14-20, III. 9-15;
3.2 Proof 25/I. a-e, II. 1-8, III. 1 - 4;
30/ I. 1&2, II. 1&2
35/ I. 1 - 8, II. 1 - 3, III. 1 & 2, IV. 1&2;
43/I. 1-8, II.1-4, III. 1- 4, IV. 1-4;
Sept. 3.3 Invalidity & 25/I. f-k, II. 9-18, III.5-9;
5 3.4 Cond. Proof 30/ I. 3&4, II. 3&4;
35/I. 9&10, II. 4&5, III. 3&4, IV. 3-5;
43/ I. 9-12, II. 5-7, III. 5-10, IV. 5-10;
Sept. Day off. 25/I. l - o, II. 19-21, III. 10 - 15;
10Work on30/ I. 5-7, II. 5-7;
paper 35/I. 11 - 15, II. 6 & 7, III. 5-7, IV. 6 & 7;
43/ I. 13 - 20, II. 8-10, III. 11-18, IV. 11-16;
Sept.12th class day course
11 Course will count under 6 Drop Rule
Sept.3.5 Indirect30/I. 8-10, II.8-10;
12Proof 35/II. 8-10, III. 8-10, IV. 8-10;
43/III. 19-24, IV. 17-22;
49/ 5;
52/ 24;
Sept. . 3.6 Proving43/III. 25-30, IV. 23-26;
24 Tautologies 49/6&7;
54/ 2;
56/I. 1-4, II. 1&2;
Sept. 3.7 Str Cond Pf 49/8&9;
26 3.8 Reducto 54/3;
ad Absurdum56/I. 5-8, II. 3&4;
62/Choose 10;
Oct. 4.1 Intro to49/ 10;
1Quantifiers 54/4;
56/ I.9-12, II. 5 - 8;
61/ 2-4;
62/Choose 10;
69/ I.1-7;
Oct. 4.2 Validity with 54/5;
3Quantifiers 56/I. 13-17. II. 9&10;
69/ I.8-18;
76/I. 1-4, II. 1&2;
Sept. 4.3 Invalidity 56/I.18-20;
8 61/6;
69/I. 19-30;
76/I. 5-10, II. 3-6;
82/I. 1-5, II.1-3, III. 1;
Oct. 4.4 Mult gen 69/I.31-46;
10propositions 76/II. 7-17;
82/I. 6-10, II. 4-8, III. 2-4;
Oct.Help Session
13BAY 35372:00-4:00
Oct. Review
Oct.Midterm Exam82/II. 9&10, III. 5-11;
17Through 4.3 88/5-10;
92/I. 2 & 3, II. 2 & 3;
103/I. 1-4, II. 1;
Oct.4.5 Quantification 82/III. 12-15;
22right now 88/3&4;
92/I. 1, II. 1;
Oct.Review 88/11-16;
24 92/I. 4 & 5, II. 4;
100/ 5-9;
Oct.4.6 Invalidity 88/ 17-20;
29 92/ I. 6, II. 5 & 6;
100/ 10;
103/I. 5-11, II. 2-4;
Oct.Last Day To Withdraw103/ I.12-17, II. 5-7;
314.7 Proof without 108/1 & 2;
Nov. Review 103/I. 18-20, II. 8-10;
5 108/ 3-6;
115/ 1-3;
Nov. 5.1 Relations 103/II. 11&12;
75.2 Proof 108/7-9;
Nov.Review 108/ 10;
12 115/4-10;
127/I.1-6, II.1-3;
132/I. 1&2, II. 1;
Nov.5.3 Attributes of 115/ 11-16;
14Relations 127/ I. 7-18, II. 4-12;
132/I. 3-7, II. 2-4;
Nov.5.4 Identity 115/ 17 - 20;
19 127/ I. 19 - 25, II. 13 - 25;
132/ I. 8-10, II. 5-10;
Nov.5.5 Quantification 127/ II. 26-37;
21of Relations 132/ II. 11 & 12;
139/ 2-4;
149/ 1;
Nov. DAY OFFPre Thanksgiving
26 Complete Paper.
Nov. DAY OFFThanksgiving Eve
127/ II.38-45;
139/ 5-7;
149/ 2-4;
155/ I.1-3, II. 1;
Dec. 7.1-7.4 Math Syst 139/8-10;
3Paper Due 149/ 5-7;
155/ I. 4-7, II. 2-4;
Dec.9.3-9.5 Notation
Dec.Help Session
8BAY 3-3154 - 6
Dec.Final 1600 - 1850COMPREHENSIVE
12 Note the duration

NOTE the Duration of the Final

Homework Assignments by Section

2.1 Compound Stmts. 14I. 1-20, II. 1-20, III. 1-10;
2.2 Conditional 18I. 1-20, II. 1-20, III 1-15;
2.3 Forms 25I a-o, II 1-21, III 1 - 15;
2.4 Validity 30I. 1-10, II. 1-10;
3.1 Derived Rules 35I. 1 - 15, II. 1 - 10, III. 1 - 10, IV. 1-10;
3.2 Replacement 43I. 1-20, II.1-10, III. 1- 30, IV. 1-26;
3.3 Invalidity 491-10;
3.4 Conditional Proof5221-25;
3.5 Indirect Proof 541-5;
3.6 Tautologies 56I. 1-20, II. 1-10;
3.7 Strengthened Cond.611-6;
3.8 Red. ad abs. 62Choose 20;
4.1 Quantifiers 69I.1-46;
4.2 Validity 76I. 1-10, II. 1-25;
4.3 Invalidity 82I. 1-10, II.1-10, III. 1-15;
4.4 Mult gen prop 881-20;
4.5 Quantification again92I. 1-6, II. 1-6;
103I. 1-20, II. 2-12;
4.6 Invalidity 1081-10;
4.7 Tautologies 1151-20;
5.1 Relations 127I.1-25, II.1-45;
5.2 Validity 132I. 1-10, II. 1-12;
5.3 Attributes 1391-7;
5.4 Identity 1491-7;
5.5 Quantification of Relations 155 I.1-7, II. 1-4;

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This page updated byFrank Matthews Aug. 19, 2013