Math 3331 Spring 2013

Important Dates

Aug. 27Class starts.
Sept. 11Census date. Classes count toward course hour limits.
Oct. 6Help Session 3-315 12-2
Oct. 10Test I Chapters 1-3, 5.1-5.3
Nov. 3Help Session 3-315 2:00-3:45 BAY3-315
Nov. 7Test II Chapters 1-3, 5, 6, 9
Nov. 11Last Day To Withdraw
Nov. 26Complete HW
Nov. 28Day off - Thanksgiving
Dec. 8Help Session 3-315 2 - 4
Dec. 10Final 1600 - 1850 * * * COMPREHENSIVE

NOTE the START TIME and duration of the Final

Students are cautioned to not miss an examination. Makeups will NOT be offered for individual exams. A single comprehensive makeup will be offered.
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This page updated by Frank Matthews Aug. 25, 2013