Math 3032 Spring 2009

Important Dates

Aug. 25Class starts.
Sept. 8Census date. After this classes count toward course hour limits.
Oct. 4Help Session 3-315 3:30 - 5:30
Oct. 8Test I Chapters 10, 11, and prerequisites
Oct. 27Last Day To Drop/Withdraw
Nov. 1Help Session 3-315 1:30 - 3:30
Nov. 5Test II Chapters 10-12, and prerequisites
Nov. 15Help Session 3-315 3:30 - 5:30
Nov. 19Test III 10-14, and prerequisites
Nov. 24Day Off - Pre-Thanksgiving
Nov. 26Day Off - Thanksgiving
Dec 6Help Session 3-315 2 - 4
Dec 111600 - 1850 * * * COMPREHENSIVE Final

NOTE the DAY, start time, and duration of the Final

Location will be given later.

Students are cautioned to not miss an examination. Makeups will NOT be offered for individual exams.
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This page updated by Frank Matthews Aug. 22, 2009