Students should develop and exhibit the following abilities:
- Exhibit the ability to apply critical thinking skills to solution of Soduku problems.
- Exhibit the ability to apply critical thinking skills to the solution of computationally based puzzles.
- Exhibit knowledge of traditional number systems by converting numbers between our traditional
number system (Hindu/Arabic base ten) and the traditional systems of Late Imperial Roman, Egyptian,
and Late Babylonian.
- Exhibit knowledge of number base systems by converting numbers between our traditional
number system (Hindu/Arabic base ten) and systems in other bases from 2 to sixteen.
- Exhibit an ability to count in number bases from two to sixteen (other than ten).
- Exhibit an ability to apply standard computational algorithms in number bases from four to
twelve (other than ten).
- Demonstrate ability to define basic terms from elementary school mathematics.
- Demonstrate ability to solve problems involving absolute value.
- Demonstrate ability to solve problems involving basic set operations.
- Demonstrate ability to convert between expressions of set operations and Venn diagrams.
- Answer questions involving 1-1 correspondence.
- Describing 1-1 correspondences using both sets and arrow diagrams.
- Write fact tables for addition and multiplication operations in bases from four to seven.
- Demonstrate ability to order fractions.
- Demonstrate ability to determine if a fraction has a terminating or nonterminating decimal in base ten.
- Demonstrate ability to solve percentage problems.
- Demonstrate ability to solve divisibility problems.
- Demonstrate ability to convert rationals to and from repeating decimals.
- Demonstrate ability to identify primes.
- Demonstrate ability to find prime decompositions.
- Demonstrate ability to find the factors of a number and the number of such factors.
- Demonstrate ability to determine the GCF and LCM of pairs of numbers.
- Demonstrate ability to find the primes in a given range.
- Demonstrate ability to draw and count the lines of symmetry of a regular polynomial.
- Demonstrate ability to draw and count the diagonals of a regular polynomial.
- Demonstrate ability to determine the probability of an event.
- Demonstrate ability to determine a sample space.
- Demonstrate ability to identify and define basic geometric figures.
- Demonstrate ability to compute and utilize the basic averages of a data set.
- Demonstrate ability to compute and utilize the measures of spread for a data set.
- Demonstrate ability to compute and interpret basic graphical representations of a data set.
- Demonstrate ability to identify and utilize basic properties of geometric figures and terms.
- Demonstrate ability to compute and utilize measures of spread for a data set.
- Demonstrate ability to compute and interpret basic graphical representations of a data set.
- Demonstrate ability to identify, compare, and convert basic quantities of measurement in our traditional measurement system.
- Demonstrate ability to identify, compare, and convert basic quantities of measurement in the metric measurement system.
- Demonstrate ability to use problem solving techniques.
- Demonstrate ability to determine numbers between pairs of either rational or irrational numbers.
- Demonstrate ability to solve questions involving the Normal Distribution.