Computations in Base five & six Homework


1.                            Add the following numbers in base five.


a.                       102 + 34                


b.                             32404 + 23043     


2.                            Add the following numbers in base six.


a.                                  254 + 43                                


b.              45023 + 23553         


3.                            Subtract the following numbers in base five.  Do the problem twice – once by borrowing and once by equal addition.


a.                                         123 – 42    


b.                402 – 133       


c.                 4123 – 1233   


4.                            Subtract the following numbers in base six.  Do the problem twice – once by borrowing and once by equal addition.


a.                       352 – 45       


b.                          4021 – 3153    


c.                       15342 – 4553      


5.                            Multiply the following numbers in base five.  Do the problem twice – once by the standard algorithm and once by the lattice method.



a.                       21 x 43                          


b.                      3413 x 23


c.                       1234 x 432


6.                            Multiply the following numbers in base six.  Do the problem twice – once by the standard algorithm and once by the lattice method.


a.                 25 x 43       


b.                1352 x 53   




c.                       3524 x 452


7.                            Compute the partial product table for  143  in both base five and base six.


8.                            Use these tables to compute the following divisions.

a.       base five                                                                


b.      base five                                                             


c.       base six                               


d.         base six                    


e.      base six