Math 5035

Course Description

This course is intended for teachers of PreCalculus at any grade level.

PreCalculus begins a critical transition in mathematics. Prior to this class mathematics has primarily consisted of the develpment of a set of skills with the understanding of concepts intended to illustrate and develop those skills. With this class we begin the transition to mathematics where the understanding of concepts is the primary goal. Now, the development and demonstration of skill sets will often be secondary to an understanding of concepts and the ability to use these concepts to analyse the world. This change will require a severe shift in attitude and approach to the subject on the part of both instructors and students.

The course will be based on a series of three strands.

The first will be a thorough review of the possible mathematics content of a PreCalculus course. A knowledge of the subject is assumed but we will review the content.

A second strand will focus on pedagogical issues connected with this subject.

A final strand will be concerned with issues of technology appropriate for the subject. We will consider both Symbolic Manipulation software and calculators.

This course will require a significant time commitment. On average it should not exceed the usual 9-10 hours per week outside of class -- but it will be significant.

There will be an exam at the middle of the semester and a comprehensive final.

Grade Process

Block Plan15%
Lesson Plan10%

Course Objectives

Students should develop and exhibit the following abilities:

Students should pay attention to the following links.

Grade Standards

Academic Honesty

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This page updated by Frank Matthews May 9, 2008